Sagal Structural Contracting & Construction Company

Thagal Sazeh Sazeh Bonyan Contracting & Construction Company with more than thirty-five years of experience in the field of contracting and construction in the field of steel and concrete structures and large and special construction projects in Tabriz Metropolitan with honor and excellent resume and activity in the industry The country’s construction has played an important role. Reliance on technical know-how and sufficient experience to achieve the high quality goal and use of high quality standard materials to secure the country’s construction and people’s needs have been the company’s goals and essential steps have been taken to achieve it.

It is one of the best and most successful construction and contracting companies in terms of construction equipment and tools and having a skilled and technical team in the northwest.

Some of the projects implemented by Saqal Sazeh Tahkim Bonyan Company are as follows, which have been completed in the shortest possible time and sooner than the Project Schedule:

  • Executor and contractor of Tabriz Azeri Men’s Specialty Children’s Hospital
  • Executor and contractor of Tabriz metro station # 1
  • Executor and contractor of Tabriz Petrochemical and Cultural Complex
  • Project Contractor of Tabriz El Goli Social Security Unit
  • Mohammad Mardani Azeri Special Education Complex in Imam Town
  • Gholamreza Azeri Men’s School for the Blind
  • Designer and presenter of Imam Ali primary school in Andisheh Tabriz
  • Designer and Administrator of Zahra Mardani Azeri Mardani High School in Tabriz
  • Contractor of Roshdieh Hotel in Elahieh Town, Tabriz
  • Designer and host of Zahra Mardani Children’s Hospital, Azeri
  • And…

Some of the projects currently being implemented by the company include:

Construction of Tabriz two train line number one station
Saqal Sazeh Co. announces its readiness to carry out all construction, dam, road, bridge, subway, etc. projects on a national level.

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